About Misha McGlown

Misha McGlown
photo greg routt

A native of Detroit, Michigan, Misha McGlown is a multi-faceted artist and writer currently living in New York City. Also known as Omo Misha - which means Misha's children in Yoruba - Misha makes a living making distinguishable hand-crafted jewelry, painting, and instructing visual arts workshops.

Misha has designed jewelry, under the Omo Misha label, since the early 1990's, selling to galleries, specialty shops, and department stores throughout the nation. Her jewelry has been found in Macy's, Nordstrom, and Cache' to name a few, and has been featured in numerous fashion editorial spreads for Essence Magazine, Accessories, et al. Omo Misha jewelry has been featured in advertisements for Revlon, Allways Natural, and African Pride hair products, and has appeared on the TODAY show on more than one occasion. Misha and her jewelry have been featured in FAD Magazine, Playgirl, Talent, and NRG, and she was most recently a featured artisan on HGTV's: "That's Clever!"


In addition to her personal creations, Misha has done freelance design for several major companies; including POLO/Ralph Lauren, the Liz Claiborne jewelry design team, and EFS International (Save The Children and Precious Moments). She also created hand-embellished prototypes for Dana Buchman, Wathne, Enrique Martinez, Vetta Int'l. and several independent designers. Omo Misha jewelry is currently available at The Studio Museum in Harlem and through her on-line catalog at OmoMisha.com.

While jewelry has been Misha's primary craft for nearly two decades, she recently returned to her original art form - painting. Misha began Fine Art painting as a teen-ager and returned her interests to painting in 2006. Since 2007 she has sold a dozen or more original works, participated in group exhibits at LaNegrita, Big Apple Jazz, and with artWalk, artHARLEM and HOAST (Harlem Open Artist Studio Tour). She recently completed her first solo exhibit, presented by Columbia University's Office of Community and Government Affairs. The exhibit featured paintings and multi-media compositions from her American Portrait Series, and included works in progress from two separate historical portrait studies. Misha's paintings can be viewed at www.OmoMishaGallery.com.

Misha is currently employed, on a part-time freelance basis, by The Children's Art Carnival, Symphony Space, and Groundswell Mural Project in New York, working with school-aged children, teens, young adults, and at-risk populations in the New York/Tri-State area. She has also instructed workshops and led programs for Manhattan Youth, Artist Collective for Social Change, Arts Horizons, PACT, and Congreso Girls' Center in Philadelphia. She attended Wayne State University and Center for Creative Studies in Detroit, and has also studied at F.I.T. and New York University. She is a single mother of two, publisher of The Omo Misha Times and the author of Manifesting Things: Making Your Way When There Is No Way.


Manifesting Things

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